Singing Guide: Lauren Pritchard

Singing Guide: Lauren Pritchard

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing like Lauren Pritchard

Lauren Pritchard is an accomplished American singer, songwriter, and actress who is well known for her mezzo-soprano voice and powerful belt technique. Her unique vocal style is awe-inspiring, and if you want to learn how to improve your singing voice, Lauren is a great vocalist to study.

Understand Your Vocal Range

The first step to learning singing like Lauren Pritchard is to understand your vocal range. You can use the Vocal Range Test provided by Singing Carrots to determine your vocal range. Once you have identified your range, you can identify the songs that best match your voice and practice them.

Develop Your Belt Technique

Lauren Pritchard's signature singing technique is her belt, which allows her to hit high notes with power and precision. The Pitch Training game on Singing Carrots can help you to perfect your pitch accuracy, which is essential for belting. Additionally, you can learn how to belt like Lauren Pritchard by studying her live performances or pre-recorded videos.

Work on Your Breath Control

Breath control is crucial for belting, and Lauren Pritchard has remarkable breath control. The singing course offered by Singing Carrots can teach you proper breathing techniques that will greatly contribute to your singing ability. Additionally, you can try the Farinelli Breathing exercise to practice breath control.

Practice Regularly

Practice is crucial when it comes to developing your vocal technique. Emulating Lauren Pritchard's singing style requires regular practice with a variety of exercises. You can explore the Pitch Training and Practice Starter videos provided by Singing Carrots to develop your singing technique further.

Study Lauren Pritchard's Music

Lauren Pritchard has an incredible talent for storytelling through her music, which is why her music is perfect for studying. You can use Singing Carrots' Song search feature to find Lauren Pritchard's songs that match your vocal range. Once you find the songs that you want to sing, you can listen to them, study the lyrics, and work on your singing technique.

Use Singing Carrots' Resources

In addition to the above-discussed techniques, Singing Carrots provides several resources that can help you learn to sing like Lauren Pritchard. To start, you can read the article on Heavy Modal, Twang, and Belting techniques and practice the featured exercises to develop your technique. Additionally, you can watch the Singing with Vibrato video to add some character to your singing. There is a range of other articles and critique exercises on Singing Carrots that can help you develop your singing technique, broaden your music knowledge and improve your overall tone quality.


Learning to sing like Lauren Pritchard takes hard work and dedication, but following the above tips and resources provided by Singing Carrots, you can be well on your way to improving your technique. Make the most of these resources, and with practice, you will be able to master Lauren Pritchard's vocal styles.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.